How Exploring Ideas Boosts Your Artistic Confidence

When you're an artist or someone who makes things, coming up with fresh ideas can seem tough at times. You might wonder where to begin or what to search for. The truth is, ideas can pop up anywhere. The secret is to start digging, gathering info about your concept, its background, character, and how you'll show its main point through visuals.

Research Gives You A Boost

Research clears up your vision and goals, and it gives you confidence to create and show your audience a powerful piece of art. You don't need a complete concept to go out and look for inspiration. At times, you might just need to walk through an exhibition or check out a flea market to let your thoughts roam free.

Spark A New Idea

Also, you can search for inspiration even before you have any idea at all. Maybe you're not sure what to draw or what your next project will be. Going out and collecting inspiration is, in a way also exploring what you'll do next. It can unlock new paths and chances for your creativity.

Switch Up Your Routine

A useful suggestion to spark creativity involves changing your daily habits and exploring fresh experiences. While you can look online for ideas stepping out into the world often proves beneficial. You might stroll through a park, check out a nearby art gallery or museum, or wander around an unfamiliar part of town.

Where to Look

Inspiration Icons To Spark Ideas

Remember to explore the basics and exercises in chapters 1 through 3 of my book "Treasure Found: An Art Journey" to discover inspiration for your upcoming artwork or creative endeavor.

To wrap up, you can find inspiration in surprising places, so trust your gut and let your
creativity flow.


The Secret to Improving Your Artwork: Redrawing


Your Creative Spark: Is It Inspiration or Influence?