Beating Imposter Syndrome in the Creative World

As a creative individual, you may have felt like a fraud at some point in your artistic journey. This feeling of not belonging, of being an imposter, is known as imposter syndrome and is more common than you might think.

The burden to continuously produce fresh ideas and perspectives, fear of not being good enough and the idea of the “starving artist” can all make pursuing a creative career or any artistic endeavor seem overwhelming. These doubts and feelings of inadequacy can hold you back and prevent you from achieving your creative potential.

Imposter Syndrome

The fear of not being good enough.

But be reassured! It is possible to overcome imposter syndrome. If it seems difficult, seek assistance so that you understand your emotions and handle what’s holding you back. Start small with your art process and practice. In time though, through experience will come confidence which can help confront fears while pushing further.

Remember, creativity is a journey; hence every step counts. Some skills take time to develop— that’s alright. The most important thing is getting comfortable with what makes you unique as an individual and finding one’s own voice so that we embrace our creativity as artists. You have something precious to give the world.

If you need some inspiration to create an art process, my book Treasure Found: An Art Journey can help guide you towards developing your artistic skills.


Your Creative Spark: Is It Inspiration or Influence?